Nonfiction Anthologies
Below are nonfiction anthologies in which Shauna’s writing appears.

Pagan Consent Culture: Building Communities of Empathy & Autonomy
Christine Hoff Kraemer and Yvonne Aburrow
For many Pagans, sexuality and the body are sacred. This conviction is not enough to prevent sexual harassment, assault, and abuse among Pagans, however. Increasingly, Pagans realize that good consent practices must be embraced by communities, not just by individuals—and that consent is about more than sexuality. Consent culture begins with the idea of autonomy…recognizing our right to control our bodies and selves in all areas of life. It is sustained by empathy, the ability to understand and share the emotional states of others.
This collection grounds consent in modern Pagan values, stories, and practices:
- A Druid explores the concept of sovereignty
- Wiccans analyze “The Charge of the Goddess”
- A Heathen explicates medieval Icelandic lore
- A contemporary Polytheist draws on philosophies of difference
Additionally, contributors provide nuts-and-bolts guides to building consent culture:
- Responding to the needs of survivors of sexual abuse and assault
- Setting consent-based policies for rituals and events
- Training children and adults in consent practices
- Sacralizing pleasurable touch on an everyday basis
- Ethically teaching sacred sexuality and sex magick
For Pagan leaders, teachers, and organizers, this book is is be an essential resource.
Purchase Options:
Direct from Shauna Knight | Amazon/Kindle
Bringing Race to the Table: Exploring Racism in the Pagan Community
Edited by Taylor Ellwood, Brandy Williams, Crystal Blanton
This anthology explores the topic of racism and how it shows up in the Pagan community, as well as what we can do to discuss it and bring it out in the open. Each section of the anthology explores different facets of racism and how the Pagan community respond to it. Section 1: People of Color’s experience with Racism, Section 2: Historical/Mythological Racism, Section 3: Being an Ally.
With essays from Xochiquetzal Duit Odinsdottir, T. Thorn Coyle, Crystal Blanton, Clio Ajana, Erick Dupree, Amy Hale, Lilith Dorsey, Lasara Firefox Allen and many others, this anthology explores racism and offers opportunities for us to engage this topic and proactively work to change our communities for the better.
You can buy the book on the Immanion Press site.
Stepping Into Ourselves: An Anthology of Writings on Priestesses
Edited by Anne Key and Candace Kant
Featured in this rich anthology of over 500 pages are works by over 50 authors. This volume is a colorful tapestry of voices illuminating the roles and perspectives of priestesses in the ancient and modern worlds and weaving them together to create the beautiful fabric of women’s sacred service. The personal essays, academic articles, poetry, rituals, and tools in this book will speak to your heart, inspiring you to step into your own spiritual authority.
This book includes 2 articles by Shauna Aura Knight on Raising Energy in Ritual and Chanting that Works.
Anthology price: $34.95 Goddess Ink Press>>

Calling to our Ancestors
Edited by Sarenth Odinsson
This devotional is dedicated to giving a voice to those roads that honor the Ancestors, and to those who seek the Ancestors. The Ancestors can be found by many roads: by blood, adoption, the Gods we worship, and the Elements that sustain us. They can be found in the newly or ancient Dead, in the old forests or the candle flame. The devotional is dedicated to giving a voice to those roads, and to those who seek the Ancestors.
You can read excerpts of Shauna’s essay on her blog.
You can purchase Calling to Our Ancestors in print and ebook forms, or specifically in Kindle format here.
A Mantle of Stars: A Devotional for the Queen of Heaven
Edited by Jen McConnel
Peel back the layers that comprise the Queen of Heaven. She is Mother Mary weeping at the cross, and Hathor dancing in the sky. She is Freyja with her wild eyes, and Frigg with her open arms. She is Yemaya, keeper of the sea; compassionate Kuan Yin; and she is winged Isis. Her starry body stretches across the sky in the guise of Nut, and she is Saraswati’s gentle song. She is Juno, and Hera, and Tanit, and a thousand forgotten names, and she is Inanna, descending to the underworld to be reborn.
The voices in this anthology are as diverse as the different goddesses who have claimed the title Queen of Heaven, but each sparkles like the stars in Our Lady’s mantle.
Published by Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Read the Table of Contents and more info at the publisher’s web site, or read an excerpt of Shauna’s essay.
Published by: Bibliotheca Alexandrina Pages: 302 pp
Price: $14.99 Purchase at: Createspace or Amazon
Call of the God: An Anthology Exploring the Divine Masculine within Modern Paganism
Edited by Frances Billinghurst
Over the last 10 or so years there has been an influx of material about the Goddess, the divine feminine. And while this is wonderful and much needed in certain sections where people are only know realising that there was such as focus, has it come at the cost of the God, the divine masculine?
Even within Paganism, the focus has largely been on the Goddess as opposed to the God. In some traditions, the divine masculine is merely treated as a second class citizen (behind his beloved consort), in other traditions he has been banished altogether.
Call of the God: An Anthology Exploring the Divine Masculine within Modern Paganism is a unique smorgasbord of essays, poems, fiction and artwork depicting the numerous manifestations of the God and how the Divine Masculine is depicted within modern Paganism around the world.
More detailed information can be found here, and the book is available on Amazon.
Daughter of the Sun: A Devotional Anthology In Honor of Sekhmet
Edited by Tina Georgitsis
Warrior. Healer. Hunter. Guardian. Mother. Daughter. Eye of the Sun and Arbiter of Justice. Mistress of Dread and Lady of the Slaughter. The Red Lioness. The Drunken One.
Sekhmet is a complex Goddess, an ancient and ferocious Deity impossible to fit into a single, simple category. That is, after all, the way and nature of Gods: they are beings of awe and power and grace and wrath.
All of these qualities are apparent in the poems, hymns, essays, rites, myths, and artwork which follow. Her modern-day devotees, scattered across the globe, find in Her a fiercely protective mother, a sly and cunning teacher, a joyful and creative muse, a wise initiator into ancient mysteries, and a righteous avenger of injustice. She is all of these things, and so much more. She is Sekhmet, most worthy of our love and devotion.
More details about this anthology are available on the publisher’s website, and the book is available for purchase on Createspace and Amazon.
Godless Paganism: Voices of Non-Theistic Pagans
Publication: TBA